Room 413 and 417 (wet chemistry lab), and 414 (dry testing lab).
The following is a summary of the equipment and capabilities in our labs:
1) Vigor glove box system with integrated spin coater–For materials deposition in inert atmosphere.
2) Manual probe station (Micromanipulator 450PM-A-HR)–For electrical characterization of devices and circuits up to 200 mm diameter, including stereo-zoom microscope with digital camera, compatible with probe cards.
3) The cryogenic probe station (Lakeshore CRX 6.5K) is equipped with a self-contained closed-cycle refrigerator and a high-temperature sample holder to allow the measurement of devices from 10 K to 675 K.
4) Semiconductor parameter analyzer (Keysight B1500)–With four high resolution SMU to provide minimum measurement resolution down to 1 fA / 0.5 μV, multi-frequency capacitance measurement ranging from 1 kHz to 5 MHz, and integrated waveform generator/fast measurement unit providing 10 ns programmable resolution.
5) Imaging spectrometer (Horiba iHR320) with high intensity Xeon source (PowerArc)–For characterization of optoelectronic devices by providing monochromatic light with wavelength ranging from 180 nm to 2500 nm.
6) Nitrogen box for sample storage.
7) Three fume hoods–For chemical storage and processing.
Shared Facilities
We used the shared facility at MRL for most microfabrication and materials characterization works (Equipment list).